Back Washing Tips

To wash your back, grasp the Soap Cinch® cord with finger and fold your arm (as in Picture 1) so theSoap Cinch® hangs behind your back as far down as possible.
Next, with the other hand, reach up behind your back and grasp the elastic loop of the Soap Cinch® with your thumb (as in Picture 2). Proceed to wash your back in an up and down motion or as desired.

Extended Reach

For anyone who may have a limited range of motion with their upper body or a slight difficulty washing their back as illustrated above, we recommend looping 2 Soap Cinch’s® together at each end of the elastic to allow for an extended reach.
When fully loaded with soap, a single Soap Cinch® will stretch out about 16” long. Once 2 are joined together at each end as illustrated above, they form a double Soap Cinch® that increases the overall end-to-end reach to over 30 inches which is almost three feet long & should help give you enough reach
Another nice feature of this design is that the double Soap Cinch® still fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and continues to give you the single handed control it is known for, even though you would now be washing with (2) Soap Cinch’s® instead of just one.

For Best Results:
Keep Soap Cinch® at least half full with soap when in use while still allowing the soap to move freely within the Soap Cinch®- doing so will ensure maximum lather.

Suggested Care
Machine wash the Soap Cinch® periodically (at least once a week with use) in detergent, hot water, and bleach; let air dry. Discard and replace monthly with use.